Project Description:
Challenge: MY is a make up company with various types of products, one of which is their sunblock cream.
Since most people stayed at home in quarantine due to the covid-19 crisis at the beginning of the year 2020, the sunblock sales rate decreased. So, we were asked to find a solution for the matter.

Solution: Doing some researches about sunblock and different types of lights, we found out about a type of light which is harmful (not as harmful as the sunlight), called the BLUELIGHT. The Bluelight, the light of screens and florescent bubbles, could cause aging of the skin. Sunblocks, on the other hand, can protect the skin from this type of light as well as from the sunlight. As a result, we decided to bold this aspect and encourage people to use sunblock at home in order to protect their skin from the bluelight, and also from the sunlight radiated through the window. We have showed different situations in which people are exposed to light radiations.
MY Sunblock Instagram Campaign
Badkoobeh Advertising Agency 2020
Creative Team Leader & Copywriter: Reza Delavar
Creative Team: Reza Delavar, Erfan Parvaneh, Mostafa Tabatabaee, Reza Bolookat
Art Director & Photo Retoucher: Reza Bolookat
Graphic Designer & Motion Artist: Erfan Parvaneh
Account Manager: Mona Tavakol
Traffic Manager: Maryam Ghodrati
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